Panui mo te wiki tuawha o te wahanga tuatoru – Week 4 Term 3
16th August 2016
Nga Mihimihi
“Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te kaupapa”
Tēnā rā tātou Te Whānau whānui, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou i runga i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā.
Nau mai hoki mai ki te wahanga tuatoru o te tau.
Te tumanako e hikaka ana ngā tamariki ki te ruku hōhonu ki roto i ngā mahi whakahirahira o te wahanga nei.
Ka rere kau ana ngā whakaaro pai ki tō tātou tumuaki a Whaea Pani e noho maūiūi ana ki te kāinga i tēnei wā. Nā reira, e te Whaea kia piki te kaha te ora ki runga i a koe i tēnei wā.
Kia kaha tātou ki te whai i ngā ūara o tō tātou nei kura arā, ko te Aroha, te Pono me Tika.
Tīhei Mauri Ora!
Calendar Dates:
August 15th: Junior Girls Basketball Y8-10 Competition
August 17th: Mike O’Neil – EBS Health Insurance Presentation for staff 12.30pm
August 18th: Cross Country Junior School – Matihetihe
Junior Boys Basketball Y8-10 Competition
August 21st: Diana Smallfield Art Specialist visit
August 22nd: Snr Girls Netball Kerikeri
August 23rd: Noel Te Tai – Teacher Registration
August 24th: Schoolwide Cross Country
August 25th: Eddie Ballas (Army Visit)
August 28th: BOT Meeting
September 5th: RTucker Thompson Voyage
Junior School
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Kia Ora e nga whanau o te Kura Takiwa o Manganuiowae.
What’s happening on the junior side? Our term topic for the juniors years 1-7 is transport. For food tech Fridays so far we have had; create a fire engine snack, traffic light themed kebabs, and the local volunteer fire fighter Mr Bill Mcready, brought the Broadwood fire engine up to the school to show the kids. Thank You Mr Mcready and Whaea Ngaire for organising this.
Na Whaea Eyez
YEAR 4-7
TRANSPORT is our major theme for term 3. We have enjoyed looking at how cars have changed over time. Investigated Road signs, and even had a visitor (Uncle Thomas Proctor) to demonstrate how to change a tyre and check our cars oil and water.
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We have been very lucky to have Whaea Jasmine Pirini in our class for the last 5 weeks. Jasmine is in her second year training to be a teacher at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, she has returned to her studies this week, but will complete her final week with us in Week 5.
CROSS COUNTRY: This Friday Year 1-8 travel to Matihetihe for the annual North Hokianga Cross Country event. We have been training hard, got wet more than a couple of times and even battled a hail storm. We anticipate good participation and results, this Friday.
Nga mihi Whaea Cath
Middle School
Investigations – The Essence Of Science
All Middle School students had the opportunity to do a Science investigation leading up to a possible exhibition at the Regional Science Fair. The most difficult part of this exercise had been to find a suitable phenomenon to investigate.
There is Year 8 student who has considered many options, but good ideas kept evading her. She considered to explore the possibility of horse manure being a better fertilizer than cow manure. The two types of manure were brought to the Science Laboratory and a scientific method was planned. The idea was to make hydroponic nutrient mediums for water plants to grow in. Unfortunately, the water plants seemed to be hibernating and there were never enough sunlight to stimulate their growth. Furthermore, it became increasingly challenging to manage the stench of the manure in the Science class. So, the manure and the manure-idea were dumped.
This girl had to think of another idea. Anything about New Zealand birds are always very popular at the Science fair. A new testable question arose: “What kind of food would our Broadwood birds prefer?” She symmetrically arranged all sorts of bird food on a big board, placed the board outside and waited. She discovered that the birds were too afraid to come close to the symmetrical arrangement. This led to a new investigation: “To investigate the influence of symmetry on the feeding habits of birds” She placed bread outside for the birds to feed on. On the right she placed the bread in a symmetrical pattern and on the left she arranged the bread in a haphazard manner. The birds invariable fed on the haphazard arrangement of bread.
This is a classic example of how the scientific investigation cycle perpetuates. Some will say, “Oh, how boring?” Just think how boring Life would have been without your cell phone and iPad. All technological discoveries are products of scientific investigations.
Congratulations to Logan…..
Logan Williams Yr 10 has been selected for the next R.Tucker Thompson Youth Development Voyage September 5th – 11th.
Senior School
Level 1 Science – Basis For Basics
Level 1 Science offers three fair test investigations. To make it sound even more simple, here they are: (1)“Investigate how a ball rolls down a ramp”,(2)“Investigate your pulse-rate” and (3)“Investigate the speed of chemical reactions”. If you can do one investigation, you can do them all. The most important skill to be gained in the Science class is to know how to carry out an investigation. All three investigations are achievement standards worth 4 credits each. Furthermore, there are literacy and numeracy awards associated with these standards.
Level 1 Science offers one research investigation, i.e. “Astronomical Cycles”. In this research investigation students explore the effects of the spinning of the earth, the effects of our moon orbiting the earth and the effects of the earth orbiting the sun. The whole idea of a research assignment is for students to explore beyond what would have been taught in class. This is hard work, but very rewarding for a keen student.
Finally there are three external examination papers to choose from, i.e. “Mechanics”, “Acids and Bases” and “Genetics”. Mechanics is the basis of becoming an engineer. Acids and Bases is the perfect entry in Chemistry. Genetics explore all fields of the Living World.
There is not a minute to be wasted in the Science class. We frown at absenteeism, wagging, disruptive behaviour, disrespect, complacency, idle conversations and unscheduled eating and bathroom habits.
Term 3 2017 Mathematics Department
Kia Ora Whanau
Well Term 3 has begun. I would like to say thank you to all Whanau that attended the academic counselling meeting in week 10, Term 2, and I hope you took something away after each of our sessions together. I enjoyed meeting with new Whanau and look forward to seeing again . Please remember my door is always open to all Whanau if you have any concerns or otherwise regarding your tamaraki. This term we have we have had a small shift in our classroom timetable, so it is imperative that all students are conscious of their time wisely and constructively in class, to ensure that they are able to make the most of their learning time.
All due dates for Achievement Standards at Level 1, 2, and 3 are currently Week 7-8 , but the amount of contact time will be taken into consideration for each Year level to justify this. For all my NCEA students that are able to work at home through Google classroom, Education perfect I encourage them to do so. This an excellent forum for students to receive comments and feedback so they are able to work continously on their easy learning outside of the classroom.
Nga mihi
Matua Joseph
The Health Sector:
A number of our senior students are looking at career pathways out in our communities. We have 2 students Alexandra and Te Rangimarie spending time over at the Rawene Hospital shawdowing nurses and learning all about this career pathway. These girls will spend a month every Thursday over at the Rawene Hospital.
The Tourism and Hospitality Sector:
QRC is New Zealand’s premier Tourism & Hospitality Management College. Whether you aspire to a career in adventure tourism or wish to enter the world of hospitality, QRC will prepare you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to successfully pursue your management career. We have students meeting with QRC who are based in Paihia (Stevie Rae and Helen) next Thursday 17th August.
University / AUT Trip:
For our senior students who aspire to go to University or further education a trip has been organised for the 20th-22nd September for a tour of several campuses.
Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre
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9 students had the opportunity to experience Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre in Tongiriro last week. Students did a variety of activities such as Snowboarding, caving, abseiling, camping in a cave overnight, bush trekking, high ropes and team bonding activities. This opportunity is provided to help students develop leadership skills and be responsible in an environment that is different to that of a classroom or what they are used too. Students were able to experience different outdoor activities that challenged them physically and mentally, however the majority of the students participated in all the activities and were able to overcome their fears. The students were a pleasure to take away and thank you to the whanau who supported the kaupapa.
Students who attended OPC were: Tia Roberts, Aroha Adams, Blue Hill, Waima McMath, Sharon Edmonds Chapman, Wiremu Emery, James Hohaia, Maui Pomare, Quinlyn Mitchell.
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Sports News
As part of the Senior Physical Education classes, students proposed to senior management to compete in the Northland Secondary School Beast held in Paihai on the last day of Term 2. This was an opportunity for students to compete against schools around Northland in a event where you can run, walk or crawl the super tough 5.5km course over rolling countryside; navigating swamps, river crossings, a little bit of mud, some very steep hills and traverse rugged uneven terrain.
The Secondary Schools Bay of Islands Beast is designed to be tough but FUN and a great way to end the school term. Well Done to all the students that took part and challenged themselves. Thank you to senior management for allowing the trip to go ahead.
Below are the results and can be found on the Sport Northland Facebook page along with photos.
- 16th Maui Pomare (00:50:16) (Third Overall in the MU19)
- 17th Houston Frost (00:51:26) (Fourth Overall in the MU19)
- 53rd Tia Roberts (01:01:32) (Fifth Overall in the FU16)
- 72nd Carlos Hemara Ngaiti (01:06:53) (Eighth Overall in the MU19)
- 74th James Hohaia (01:07:10) (Ninth Overall in the MU19)
- 154 Aston Beddie (01:28:43) (Twelfth Overall in the MU19)
- 155 Oceania Roberts (01:28:43) (Eleventh in the FU19)
- 189 Rosalee Johnson (01:41:35) (17th in the FU19)
- Alexandra Tautiri completed the course but was unfortunately disqualified (Very pleased with her efforts regardless).
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Preparation for the Ferrar Cup Challenge and Ling Cup Challenge underway……
Practice is underway as we prepare to challenge Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kaikohe for the Ling Cup on the 1st of September and then Abundant Life for the Ferrar Cup on the 15th September. The sports will be Ki-o-rahi, Netball and Rugby. Stay posted as we draw closer to the dates.
The JMB season is coming to a close, with the final games being played this weekend in Taipa. I would like to congratulate all the players from BAS who committed themselves to playing rugby this season.
Whaea Cath
General School-wide Notices
Staffing for Term 3
This term we welcome Matua Phillip Baptiste to our school. Matua Phillip will be teaching Woodwork to our Middle School Yr 8-10 students every Tuesday. We also welcome back into the school Whaea Esther who is also filling in for Matua Henare while he is away on leave, she will be here Wednesday, Thursday and Friday’s.
Every year school fees must be paid before 1 September 2017. Payments are made to Whaea Men at the office. Many of our students applied for discounts and will have to pay as little as $20 or even as little as $15. You can ask Whaea Men or Matua Carl how much you have to pay for 2017.
NZQA charges an additional $50 for late payments. This means that, if you have qualified to pay only $20 and did not pay on time, your new bill will be $20 plus the $50 late fee adding up to a total of $65.
When you have passed NCEA Level 1, and you have paid your NZQA fees, you can apply for your Level 1 NCEA Certificate to be sent to your home address. I want to encourage all students who have paid their NCEA fees in the past to apply for their certificates. If you passed L1, L2 or L3 and have not received your NCEA certificates, please consult with Matua Carl to do the applications on your behalf.
Access to our school Student Management System (KAMAR)
This allows you to check your childs attendance, timetables, academic records.
1) You need internet access (WIFI)
2) In the URL type:
3) Enter your childs first name and surname in the username space (sarah.brown)
4) Enter your parent/caregiver password (this can be collected from the office)
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The School Newsletter Emailed to me please
(all you need to do is forward your email to us and we’ll do the rest)
The school Band Needs your help……..
Our school band is in the finals of Far North’s Got Talent which is not this week end but next week end (Saturday 26th August). They are in desperate need of a driver to pick up and drop off students. A current drivers licence needs to be presented to the school office prior to the event and you need to be over 25 years of age. Please whanau, who can drive them??????
The school band members are Charlotte Chapman-Kete, Blue Hill, Te Rangimarie Mehana, Waima McMath-Shaka, Shaydon Lyall, John Alec Grbich,
Contact the school if you can help……