Wahanga Tuarua – Te wiki tuatahi : Term 2 Week 1 Newsletter 2018
Principal’s Mihi
E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga rau rangatira ma
tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.
Ka tuku mihi ki te Runga Rawa, nana i timata, nana hoki i whakaoti nga mea katoa
kororia ki tona ingoa tapu
E rere takiwa ana nga whakaro ki te ao wairua, nga tini mate puta noa i te motu
haere, haere, haere atu ra
kia tatou te hunga ora, nga morehu o ratou kua mene ki te po
tena koutou katoa.
Nau mai, hoki mai ki a koutou i tenei wahanga tuarua, ko te tumanako kia pai ora a koutou wa whakataa. Welcome back to term 2, lots of exciting things happening across this term. We welcome back Tups and his music classes as he prepares our school band for the smokefree Rock Quest. We also look forward to Whaea Harriet and her soft material classes starting up for our mid-school students Yr 7-10. Whaea Esther will join us for a full week in the year 7-8 class for this term while Matua Henare remains out on sick leave. Our staff and students will be preparing for Speeches schoolwide as we envision our top speakers competing in the Manu Korero held in Week 6 in Opononi.
Upcoming Events:
Week 2:
8th May-Logging Trucker Safety on the roads visit
8th May – Board of Trustees Meeting
10th May – Academic Counselling Day (school closed for parent/caregivers/student/teacher interviews)
Week3: NASA Sports Week
14th May: Powhiri – Rugby/Netball – Kerikeri
15th May: Netball Finals Kerikeri /Boys Basketball (Waipapa)
16th May: Girls BBall / Futsal -Waipapa
17th May: Table Tennis / Boys and Girls Volleyball – Whangarei
18th May: Kiorahi / closing Waitangi
Week 4: Book Fair Week
21 May: Teacher Only Day – Renew First Aide Certificates
22 May: Gateway Senior School First Aide Course
23 May: Book Fair Activity Fun Day (Theme: Wild Wild West)
24-25 May: Life Education
Junior School (Year 1 – 6)
Nau mai, hoki mai, ngā whānau o te Kura Takiwӓ o Manganuiowae, ki te wāhanga tuarua o te tau nei. Thank you whānau for sending our children to school in uniform. Our school-wide theme this term is Tāwhirimātea. If any of our whānau have some koorero about Tāwhirimātea or Matariki, please come in and share your knowledge with us. Whaea Harriet has started to teach Soft Materials and any whānau donations in terms of knitting-, crochet-, tapestry- and embroidery gear are welcome. We will also take any unused material, wool or fabric of any kind off your hands. Functional sewing machines, that are just collecting dust at home, can come and find a new home here at our kura. Matua Tups has started with ukelele lessons this week with the Junior School and the tamariki thoroughly enjoyed it. .
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Whaea Jacqui Knight AKA “The Butterfly Lady” paid us a visit on Wednesday and we have been looking at the habitat of the Monarch butterfly this week. As you can see in the photo, someone HAD TO to dress up like a butterfly.
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Manu koorero is approaching fast and we are inviting any of the whaanau who would be interested in helping out with the Inter-Kura-Speeches in Week 5. We always appreciate the help and support we can get from whanau.
The other day Whaea Jazmine blessed some of us with some fruit and vegetables from her garden. She believes that giving and sharing evoke greater joy than receiving. One of the recipients of her garden produce commented on the absolute perfection of it and asked what type of insecticide she had used. Whaea Jazmine was proud to say that all her fruit and veggies are organic and that she never uses any insecticides, herbicides or fungicides. She believes that “Everything must have a kai”. There are always good reasons for bugs to be in your garden. Whaea Jazmine is a trainee-teacher who frequents our kura here at Broadwood Area School. She is currently doing her third year of the three year B.Ed (Teaching) degree, which requires her to do a total of seventeen weeks of practice teaching. Whaea Jazmine is not only gaining the required experience at our kura, she is also extending the possibilities of learning in the Junior Department. Needless to say, our school has some of the best primary school teachers with treasuries of experience and insight to share. Whaea Jazmine finished her schooling in Auckland, after which she did some research work for Te Rarawa. She always loved nature and the outdoors and started to work for The Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust. It was when she worked with Early Childcare Education in Pawarenga and being an assistant teacher for the Papa Taiao initiative that she finally decided to become a full time teacher. Whaea Jazmine has a clear message to all our tamariki, “The need to learn and gain wisdom never leaves you, it only intensifies as the years go by. The rule of thumb is to embrace learning as soon as possible, because it will be your companion forever.”
Muka Tangata Playgroup
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Place: BAS Library
Time: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm every Friday (not during holidays)
Coordinator: Whaea Ngaire Morey
All pre-schoolers are welcome. Packs are sent home with 3 & 4 years old to help them get ready for school. Come along and have fun. We also join in with the Years 1 – 3 tamariki at times.
Library News
The annual Book Fair will take place in the library from the 21st to the 25th of May. Books will be on sale. A fun day will be held on Wednesday the 23rd of May from 11.30 am – 1 pm for preschoolers up to Year 6 tamariki and their whanau. This will be followed by a shared lunch. Do not forget that the theme is: “The Wild West”, so dig out your cowboy/cowgirl clothes and boots to stand a chance to win prizes. YEHAA!!!
Middle School
RTLB – Whaea Clare Wilkinson
The abbreviation RTLB stands for Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour. Our new RTLB is Whaea Clare Wilkinson from Peria. She lives with her husband and two daughters on a farm with bees, gardens, horses and solar power. Whaea Clare completed her high school studies in Auckland, after which she had a career in the TV and film Industry. However, she was called to the teaching profession after working at an area school similar to ours in the South Island. She has always loved teaching and one of her favourite subjects was to teach Te Reo Maori. She enjoyed extra-mural activities like cultural activities, drama, visual arts, being the Enviroschool coordinator, doing gardening and building projects with her students. She needed to do more for New Zealand communities and decided to become a RTLB. To become a RTLB, you need to have a degree in Teaching and an additional two year RTLB postgraduate study. The main responsibility of a RTLB is to assist teachers with the learning and behavioural needs of tamariki. These specialist RTLB-teachers are qualified to approach challenges in teaching and learning in a holistic manner. One of the key competencies of a RTLB is having the ability to encourage educational role-players to collaborate. The RTLB liaise with the principal, teachers, principal’s nominee, SENCO-officer, whanau and often social workers to ensure that tamariki get the best learning opportunities possible. Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is Whaea Emma Davis. Our former RTLB was Whaea Sharyn van Heerden. We have truly been blessed with capable and committed personnel to take the educational growth of our tamariki to the next level.
Wind is the movement of air particles from a high air pressure to a low air pressure. A high air pressure constitutes air particles that are packed more densely and a low air pressure constitutes air particles that are further apart from each other. A high air pressure is associated with low temperatures and a low air pressure is associated with higher temperatures. During the day the land surfaces becomes relatively warmer than the ocean surfaces. A relatively lower air pressure develops over the land and a relatively higher air pressure develops over the the ocean. Air particles spontaneously flow from the higher air pressure which hovers over the ocean surface to the lower air pressure which hovers over the land surface to create a cool sea-breeze during the day. At night, the land surface cools off much faster than the ocean surface. A reverse action will now take place. The air particles over the land surface becomes relatively colder and get a relatively higher density. The air over the ocean surface will be relatively warmer than the air that is over the land surface and a relatively lower air pressure develops over the ocean. Air particles spontaneously flow from the higher air pressure over the land surface to the lower air pressure which is over the ocean surface to create a cool land-breeze during the night.
Senior School
From Whaea Rewa’s Desk
“He aha te mea nui o tēnei ao? Māku e kīī atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata”
Tēnā anō Te whānau, he mihi nui ki a koutou katoa i runga i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā. He rawe ki te hoki mai ki te kura ā muri i ngā hararei i waenganui i ngā tamariki me aku hoa mahi. Kāore e kore i whakatā pai koutou katoa i taua wā. Kua hoki ora mai ngā tamariki ki te kura, ā, he tino pai ki te kite i a rātou e hīkaka ana ki te ū ki roto i ngā mahi. Ko tā tātou nei kaupapa whānui o te kura mai i ngā teina tae atu ki ngā wharekura, arā, ko Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku. Ko tā tātou aronga ko Tawhirimātea. Ko tētahi whāinga matua hoki arā, ko Ngā Mānu Kōrero. E ū ana ngā tamariki katoa ki tēnei kaupapa ahakoa ka rereke ngā kaupapa o ia taumata ko te mea nui e ako ana ngā tamariki ki ēnei momo tūāhuatanga ā ō tātou tūpuna. Ka tū he whakataetae ā kura hei te wiki tuaono i mua tonu i Ngā Manu Kōrero ki Opononi. Ko ngā toa ka haere ki ngā whakataetae ā rohe ki Opononi hei te wiki tuawhitu o te wahanga nei.
Anei he rārangi mahi mō Te Reo Māori me Te Tunu Kai.
Tau |
Kaupapa |
Wiki |
9-10 |
Hākinakina Huarere Matariki |
4 wiki 3 wiki 4 wiki |
TRM Level 1 |
AS 91086 – Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o tōna ao |
11 wiki/6 credits |
TRM Level 2 |
AS 91285 – Kōrero kia whakamahi I te reo o tōna ao torotoro |
11 wiki/6 credits |
TRM Level 3 |
AS 91651 – Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao whānui |
11 wiki/4 credits |
HOSP Level 1 |
US 15921 – Prepare and present cakes, scones and sponges in the hospitality industry US 21059 – Demonstrate knowledge of knife care, use, storage, and carrying for the hospitality industry |
6 Wiki/4 credits 2 Wiki/2 credits |
HOSP Level 2 |
AS 91299 – Analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs |
11 wiki/5 credits |
HOSP Level 3 |
AS 91466 – Investigate a nutritional issue affecting the well-being of New Zealand society |
11 wiki/5 credits |
Mathematics is a Whanau Affair
It is always encouraging to see parents interested in their children’s Mathematics and general educational progress. I am requesting whanau of all Middle School Students to provide their tamariki with Mathematics text books of appropriate levels (I will elaborate during the parent teacher interviews) and to provide a 3B1 notebook for entering their homework details. Parents are encouraged to regularly view these notebooks and to sign off all completed homework to show the tamariki that we are all interested in their academic progress. I would like to commend those senior students who have attained their set goal of 4 Mathematics credits in Term 1. I appeal to whanau to continue to keep an eye on their Mathematics progress in the coming terms.
English in Term 2
The focus in the first half of this term in English is “Speeches”. It is a very useful skill to be capable and competent at Public Speaking and to this end all classes will be constructing and delivering a speech. The standards and levels are listed below should students and whanau wish to look online at the TKI Website for exemplars of what constitutes Achieved, Merit and Excellence for each standard:
Level One – AS 90857 – Construct and deliver an oral text (3 credits)
Level Two – AS 91102 – Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text (3 texts)
Level Three – AS 91476 – Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas (3 credits)
It may be added that the written component of these standards may be submitted for assessment against the Writing standards at each level, so the students are really “getting value for money” by completing the work for the standards outlined above.
Manu Korero
For those who do not know this is a national speech competition and the Northland regional section of this year’s competition will be held at Opononi Area School in Week 6 of this term. It is envisaged that the best speakers from BAS will be put forward for consideration to compete in the English-speaking section of the competition. The topics are listed below and students are encouraged to use these topics when they have constructed their speeches for the standards above:
Students can choose a topic from the following list:
1. The best project I will ever work on is me.
2. Strong values are just as important as academic achievement.
3. Mana – To inherit or earn?
4. The purpose of education is to create possibilities.
5. Mobilise Te Reo.
6. Guidelines to raising a digital native.
7. Trust ME with OUR future.
8. The goals and dreams I have to ensure a perfect life.
9. I am going to make an “APP”
10. Ten ways to teach me.
Sports News
Trainings are well under way for the different codes for the up and coming NASA tournament. A separate Sports Newsletter has been sent out earlier in the week for all players. All fees need to be paid into the school office. 1 code $10, 2 codes $20, 3 or more codes $30.00. Students will need to organise to be dropped off and pick up from school across the week by whanau. School Vans will leave from the school each morning and will return back to the school each day. There will be no sleep overs.
General School-wide Notices
2018 “Ranginui raua Ko Papatuanuku”
This Term 2 is all about Tawhirimatea and all his elements. All staff planning across the school curriculum will be reflecting temperture, matariki, seasons, air, weather, time, global warming etc…..
We will also be preparing for Speeches across the school. This will help prepare some of our students for Manu Korero which will be held in Week 6 hosted by Opononi Area School. Please help and support your child to prepare and present their speech. Topics vary across the ages.
Meet your childs teacher
Find out how they are progressing academically
How can we work together to accelerate learning
What is up and coming this term
Newsletters with Appointment times have been sent out earlier in the week, there will be no bus running on Thursday
Recycled computer screens, keyboards, mice and old computer equipment ………
Due to a large amount of excess electronic equipment the school is doing a clean out of old computer equipment. If you or any of your whanau need any extra bits and pieces of computer equipment please call in to see us. What isn’t taken away will go to CBEC.
Reminder that school fees need to be paid alongside NCEA fees whanau
NEW School Uniform Polo Sweats
We have managed to order polo sweats for Years 1-10.
Navy in colour with School Logo, short zip in front
Cost: $35.00
Please place an order into the main office ASAP
PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning
School Values: TIKA PONO AROHA