March 15th Newsletter / He panui mo Tekau ma rima o Poutu te rangi
Tēnā tātou te whānau,
Ngā mihi maioha, ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou i runga i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā.
Te tūmanako e whai oranga ano tātou mai i ngā waipuke i tērā wiki.
Nā te kaha heke mai o te ua i aukati te nuinga o a mātou whānau ki o koutou kainga.
Nā reira e rere kau atu ana te aroha me te whakaaro pai ki a koutou katoa i tēnei wā.
Kia mataara tonu tātou mō ngā huarahi tonu me te āhua o te whenua kei ngā taha o ngā huarahi i te mea he tāwēwē.
Kia tūpato, kia manawanui tonu te haere whānau mā.
Anei a matou Manukura mo tenei tau 2017
Stevie-Rea Harris-Campbell, Helen Waipouri, Oceania Roberts, Tiana Hohaia, Rosalee Johnson,
Aston Beddie, Houston Frost, Carlos Hemara-Ngaiti, (Maui Pomare – Outward Bound)
This year’s Manukura students have already made a huge impact around the school in supporting their peers in academic achievement, sports and kapa haka. They have moved into their new roles as our student leaders with the support and guidance of Whaea Emma Davis, Matua Carl and the kura. They have all been invited to attend the World Vision Youth Leadership Conference held in Auckland on the 31st March 2017.
Junior School
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While the Cat’s (Whaea Catherine) away, the mice (Whaea Eyez, Whaea Gay, and Whaea Ngaire) will play. The years 1-4 enjoying a day of cooking, while Whaea Catherine went away with years 5-7 to Kaikohe for Ki-o-rahi.
Ki-o-rahi Year 5-8 travelled to Kaikohe on Friday the 3rd of March, to participate in a Ki-o-rahi competition. Let’s just say we enjoyed our games, but need more practice at Ki-o-rahi. We did have a great time celebrating Olivia’s eleventh birthday. We would like to thank Jasmine Pirini for driving our school van.
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Middle School
Mid- School English (Years 8/9/10)
Having reached the mid-point of Term 1, both mid-school classes have completed their work on the Parts of Speech Unit and are now preparing to write a Letter of Complaint, a Letter Requesting Information and an E-mail of Gratitude as part of the Write Personal Formal Correspondence Unit. If the students’ work meets the standard (US10792), I will retain the best pieces of work and look to put them forward for credit next year, when this year’s Year 10’s are working towards their credits in English at NCEA Level 1. There are 3 credits attached to this Unit Standard.
Mid- School Science (Years 8/9/10)
The Middle School Science team has completed a unit that qualifies them to start with a scientific investigation. The biggest challenge, however, is to find an outstanding phenomenon to investigate. Great ideas may evade most of our junior scientists, until after the due date – which will be the end of Term Two. For this reason all middle-scholars need to finish the Pulse-Rate investigation. When ERO comes, they would want to see evidence of NoS. ERO stands for Educational Review Office – these guys come to schools to check if the government money is well spent. NoS stands for Nature Of Science. The true nature of Science is to investigate phenomena.
Senior School
Thank you to the Level One students who have completed and handed in their first assessment for the term and before the due date. These students were Tia Roberts, Aroha Adams, Hope Pihema, Cody Chapman, Hone Adams, Wiremu Emery, Matiu Korewha and Waima McMath. Credits will be made available once verified (worth 4 credits).
Level One and Level Two students are currently completing a reflection report of the Swimming Sports. This will be due by Thursday 16th March. Well done to those students who have emailed me their final report.
Level Three student’s due date for their research assignment is Thursday Week 9. Please email me if you have any concerns or questions about the assignments due ([email protected])
Level Two English
This class is aiming to finish one of the two pieces of writing required to complete the Level Two Writing Standard (6 credits) by Monday 3rd April (second to last Monday of term, week 9) as well as completing 3 out of 6 Reading Responses required to finish the Responses to Independently Read Texts (4 credits).
While this may mean that students’ credits may not show up on the School Management System (Kamar) until Term 2, it is hoped that students will work with a sense of urgency in order to achieve 10 credits in English at Level 2 (as well as University Entrance Literacy) towards the end of Term 2.
Level Three English
This class is aiming to complete the work for the Level Three Oral Presentation standard (3 credits) by Monday 3rd April. Students are required to either give a ‘traditional’ speech or a Power Point Presentation on an area in which they have special knowledge or expertise or a presentation on their own lives (‘A Life Less Ordinary’) in front of at least some of their classmates as an audience. These Oral Presentations will be filmed so that NZQA has visual evidence to confirm that students have met this standard.
Parents and Caregivers can help students in these classes to achieve their goals by helping them adhere to the deadlines set out above, and by monitoring ‘where each student is at’ in respect of each standard. Students and Whanau should feel free to ring me at school or come and see me at school for clarification as to what is required to meet each of the standards mentioned above.
Bevan Watson (T-in-C of English)
Level One Science
The Level One Science team will be gaining four credits with the Achievement Standard 90954 about Astronomical Cycles. This standard is easy to achieve, because students need to demonstrate knowledge of at least TWO astronomical cycles. Students can demonstrate their knowledge by writing a test, OR demonstrate their knowledge via korero. However, when they korero, they have to capture their evidence on video – lest the evidence evaporate in thin air. We must remember that NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority) checks up on completed work of schools. Basically, a little bit more than the following will get you through: “The earth spins – causing day and night” – and – “The earth orbits around the sun causing seasons.” BANG….!!! Four credits down!!! So, what are you waiting for? Are there any Year 8 students who want to do this standard?????
Level Two Science
Level Two Science started with Microscopy, which involves studying biological specimens with a microscope. Students studied a leaf-tear of the abaxial side of a leaf; a cross section of a herbaceous stem of a dicotyledonous plant; and Paramecium in action. Studying these specimens lead to the structural and functional understanding of these structures and organisms – and with the latter, students express their comprehension via conventional drawings accompanied with korero iti (written or verbal).
Senior Mathematics
Kia ora whanau – Greetings from Matua Joseph, the new Mathematics teacher. For Level One Mathematics, students have completed the Numerical Reasoning Achievement Standard 91026 worth 4 internal credits. All of the students who completed this assessment will pass, some even with Merits. There were a few students who were absent, but I will give them another chance.
For Level Two, the students have completed Coordinator Geometry Achievement Standard worth 2 internal credits. Almost all of these students have passed this assessment. However, there are two students who will need a bit more awhi.
Matua Joseph
In the olden days students and teachers would just GO MAD with teaching and learning, until the end of the year when a single examination would determine the fate of a year of hard work. (An EXAMINATION is when students sit one metre apart from each other – in a whare – in total silence – with no cheat sheets.) This practice has its advantages, but there are disadvantages too. To combat the disadvantages, NZQA has come up with the brilliant NCEA system, which is an abbreviation for National Certificate of Educational Achievement. The methodology of this system includes “to give credit” to students, “in the form of credits”, as the students progress. This approach encourages students to work consistently throughout the year. It is important that teachers award credits to the hard-working students, so that they can ensure New Zealand’s prosperity in the future.
Our Goal: 4 NCEA Credits per subject per term.
Te Whakapiki Reo
“Ko tōku reo tōku ohooho,
Ko tōku reo tōku mapihi maurea”
Tēnā tātou Te Whānau, kua tīmata mātou ki te whakapiki i te reo i roto i te kura i tēnei wiki. Ko te whāinga ia wiki i ngā wā o ngā hui-ā-kura ka ako i ngā waiata, ka whakapakari te mahi haka pōhiri hoki mō ngā wā ka hara mai ngā manuhiri ki tō mātou kura. He rawe rawa atu ēnei wā parakatihi i te mea e mahi kaha ana ngā tamariki katoa o te kura, ā, ka rongo kaha hoki te wairua me te aroha i a tātou e mahi ana. Ngā mihi nui ki ngā tamariki me ngā kaiako o te kura e kaha whakatenatena ana i a tātou ki te whakatairangatia to tātou reo rangatira. Mauri Ora! Na Whaea Rewa
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Sports News
There are a number of Track Suits missing which we have lent out to students for various excursions. These excursions are either from Kapa Haka, Area School Sports or various other sports trips. Although students are often very good at returning their allocated numbers, there have been several occasions where students have misplaced the uniform or have lost them. Certain whanau have been contacted to follow up on the misplaced items, or sent bills to replace them, however to no avail. If whanau can please look out for these uniforms or see them being worn around the community please contact the school on (09) 4095878.
We would appreciate your co-operation with this as we have Kapa Haka coming up soon and Northland Area Schools Sports. The tracksuits were designed to make students look tidy and unique to other schools.
The tracksuits have the school logo embroidered on both the jacket and the track pants. They are extremely expensive and can no longer be replaced or ordered. It will be very disappointing if some students miss out on wearing these tracksuits for future school trips.
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The jackets and the track pants have a number on them.
The following numbers are missing from our school jackets: 16,21,25,29,39,42.
The following numbers are missing from our school track pants: 4,11,15,24,31,37.
Please return.
The boys have been training and preparing for the Open Boys 7’s being held in Moerewa on the 21st March. The Captain (Aston Beddie) and Co- Captain (Cannon Barry) have been encouraging the boys to attend training and working hard to prepare for the competition. Many thanks also goes to Ilene Porter Rankin and Bevan Watson for their tireless effort with the team.
The annual Northland Area Schools is in Week 3 of Term 2. Teams are being established and will be finalized very soon. The sports being offered so far are Boys and Girls Volleyball and Basketball, Netball and Rugby. Students and Whanau need to be aware of the cost of Areas. If your child is selected to be in a team or has the possibility of being chosen to attend, the cost will be $70.00. The cost covers: Accommodation, registration of each sport code, travel, hireage of extra vans and food. If whanau want a further breakdown of the fees please contact the school.
To keep on task and engaged in their academic success, students will need to gain a minimum of 4 credits in each of their subjects by the end of term 1, to be eligible to attend the Area School Sports.
Students will need to continue to meet their assessment deadlines, obtain their credits and stay focused in class. EOTC ( education outside of the class trips) will be carefully monitored to ensure class work is not affected.This is an achievable task. If after-school catch up classes are needed for students, this can be arranged between staff and whanau.
General School-wide Notices
Academic Counselling Day Success
Whaea Renee Sauer
Thank you to all the students and parents who met or arranged alternative arrangements to discuss their child’s academic pathways and achievements. It was a pleasure to have met new faces and to discuss any issues or concerns in regards to your child’s education. I will continue to monitor your child’s progress throughout the year and will not hesitate to contact you if I have any concerns with your child’s progress. Please feel free to contact me at school or email me at ([email protected]) if you would like to discuss any issues.
Overall there was a great turn out by whanau and tamariki to our Academic Counselling Day across the kura. Thank you to all who came, who rang in and who booked another appointment. We had some great suggestions and feed-forward from our whanau. We will certainly look into these suggestions.
Open Boys 7’s – Moerewa – Tuesday 21th March 2017
(Simson Park 8.30am start)
The mighty BAS Open 7’s Rugby Squad have been training hard since the start of Term 1, in preparation for the North of the North annual 7-a-side tournament, which will be held at Simson Park in Moerewa next Tuesday.
The boys have averaged 3 training sessions a week, under the watchful eye of Teacher-in-Charge, Bevan Watson, as well as Matua Frank Proctor and Whaea Eileen Porter-Rankin, who have both volunteered their time and expertise in order to help the Team reach peak physical fitness.
The Squad expect to play a minimum of 4 games over the day, and, with a full complement of 13 players (including Reserves), fully intend to give some of the more fancied school teams a run for their money.
Team to travel:
Aston Beddie (C), Carlos Hemara-Ngaiti (Co-VC), Cannon Barry-Campbell (Co-VC), Houston Frost, David Nahi, Quinlyn Mitchell, Cody Chapman, Alec Korewha, Wiremu Emery, Hone Adams, Robin Herbert, Logan Williams ,Daniel Haturini and Akutania Skinner
All support from friends and Whanau welcome!
Bevan Watson
T-in-C of Rugby
Food available that day
Drinks, Iceblocks, Cakes & Sandwiches.
Hangi @ $6
Please phone Skye for pre-orders
4095503 Home
4095878 School
Te Tai Tokerau Festival 11-12th April
The Te Taitokerau Festival will be held at Bream Bay College on the 11th April – 12th April 2017.
Our Kapa Haka group is scheduled to perform on the Wednesday at 8.00am and 8.30am, if you would like to come and tautoko your tamariki/tamaiti.
The Kapa Haka group will leave from the school at 8.30 am sharp Tuesday 11th and head home after lunch on Wednesday 12th April in time for buses.
Te Rawhitiroa Kura Kaupapa will be hosting us for the one night at their school’s marae.
Practices will start this week on Thursday and Friday period 6, in the Whare
There will be two full weekend live in’s at the kura which will begin on the 31st March – 2nd April, Friday through to Sunday afternoon and the following weekend 7th -9th April.
All performers must attend these noho as our Tutor Whaea Rerekohu has only two weekends to complete the entire bracket.
This year we are fortunate to have our tama tāne join the group therefore, Whaea Rewa will be holding an extra overnight noho at the school next Friday the 24th of March to learn the kupu for the Waiata Tira and Moteatea.
If you are available and willing to help in any way during the noho please feel free to contact Whaea Rewa at Kura.
Nga mihi